Monday 21 June 2010

How I learned to stop worrying and embrace Gaga

Here we all are, worrying about how to market our library services. And here we all are, well some of us, fretting about user ed next term ... Problem solved, the answer was right under our noses, thanks to the Passion and the Fury!
Bet some of us were thinking of using 'Librarians do Gaga', hmmmmm? What a brilliant lead in, actually gives us some hooks.
Anyway, people, we can ditch the Twitter, the RSS feeds, the FaceBook pages, it's all redundant. Miss Crail has had a vision.
Knock 'em dead in user ed!
Start the vid, right? Start talking earnestly about how there will be a 2-hour session with a test at the end... Then OFF come the tweeds [I'm thinking Buck's Fizz .... And obviously one must plan to wear clean and moderately supportive underwear], ON goes the white wig, and then ... we start to mime and do the moves.
Imagine their little faces!
Doesn't matter if we're crap, in fact crapper the better. Doesn't matter if we collapse in a drunken heap part way through [and god knows, most of us will need a few gins beforehand] - so much the better! I'm serious.

Kevin Spacey. American Beauty. That perfect line -
'Something tells me you'll remember me this time'

....Oh oh uh-oh-woh, oh oh uh-oh-woh....

[Apologies to those who don't get the Buck's Fizz reference. Eurovision Song Contest, 1981. Britain's finest contribution to that famed pantheon of the Arts. Say no more. And sorry there are no more appropriate pictures. Flickr's not quite apposite here. But probably best you use your imagination anyway.........]


  1. Absolutely brillant post, I must say I had very similar thoughts when viewing "Librarians do Gaga" on You Tube and wondering if there was a way to embed it into user education sessions, just for fun really. So if you need a volunteer for the Buck's Fizz version then count me in! On a serious note I think if all the students took away with them was the video at least when they went back to it, it would tell them what resources to use.

  2. Exactly! They'd have the thing playing in their heads for days, and meanwhile the message would be sneaking in. Heh! Heh!
    But alas, much as the IDEA of the Buck's Fizz routine appeals, the thought of doing it.... GAAAAA[Ga]

  3. The brown-bag lunch on 13:00 Weds 7 July will be looking at 'Raising your internal profile as an academic liaison librarian' by Emma Woods . This paper includes a lot of good suggestions, none of them quite like the Lady Gaga video.

    In my imposition-writing 20s, the first 100-liner I set myself was "I must not show off in the library". But I am afraid I have been doing so with that information ever since.
